Version 1.0.0
Onerat's Console Engine is a library designed to facilitate the creation and development of C# console-based games. It provides a set of tools, utilities, and abstractions that simplify common tasks associated with console programming, such as rendering, handling user input, managing game objects, and implementing game logic.
Onerat's Console Engine includes various components and functionalities, including:
Rendering: The engine provides utilities for rendering text and rects.
Game Object Management: The engine includes a system for managing game objects within the console environment. This includes features like object creation, positioning, and movement.
Input Handling: Mechanisms to handle user input. This enables the developer to capture and process user actions for gameplay or application functionality.
Game Loop: The engine includes a game loop that manages the flow of the game, repeatedly updating the game state, handling input, and rendering the screen to create an interactive and responsive experience.
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Onerat Console Engine Download
Onerat's Console Engine aims to simplify the development of console-based games by providing an abstraction layer and a set of tools and utilities specifically tailored for console environments. It allows developers to focus on the core logic and mechanics of their applications without dealing with the low-level details of console programming.
What's An IDE?
(Other IDEs are avaliable)
IDE stands for Integrated development environment. A software application that helps programmers develop software.
What's Next?
Go to our getting started page and begin your journey in C# with the Onerat Console Engine.